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Monday 22 November 2010

Week Six - Re-shooting

A lot of shots we took this week were very unsteady and not very neat. We decided to retake most of the shots but the cold weather was affecting us. Because of the severe snowy weather we had a change of character to play the role of the protagonist. Instead of using the conventional business man figure with a suit on we decided to pursue a character in a normal outdoor casual clothing, This was because the business man look was not achievable in the current weather. We did however keep the locations the same.

Week six - Location Changes

The group went out to film on Sunday 21st November, 2010 , but due to permission problems will were not allowed to film within Liverpool street station. We decided to use the outside of the station knowing it would show the business and banking setting allowing the audience to identify the main characters background

The group decided to make Spitalfield market our revised set location. Since the area has large crowds walking towards the market, we felt it would still create that busy and fast setting we wanted. 

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Week Five - Locations

For the film countdown the main location will be Liverpool street and the surrounding area . It will be perfect for the film, as it gives a perfect setting for the chosen genre and storyline. For example the use of the Station timetable will create an illusion of time running out to the audience. It gives the feel that time is running out for the business man. Also the location has a very urban and dark feel on a typical English day, Especially on a busy day it will give the feel of a fast and frantic environment. 

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Week Four - Synopsis

Countdown' pursues a business man who is desperately trying to evade a deadly sniper located in an industrialized area. The trailer releases the message of escape to freedom from an unexpected death. His life  is on the line where the only shield of protection is others around him, the alleyways and lastly the phone booth as a safe house. To escape from the predator lurking inside the mysterious sky scrapers and train stations he must face the challenges alone.

The trailer will be a 'Psychological thriller'/'Action thriller'. It will give portray a 'Cat and Mouse' chase to the audience, through the use of shots from different angles and speeds. while the use of close ups will allow the audience to see the emotions running though the character. 

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Week Four - Storyboards

These are the storyboards of the new project i am involved in the film is called "Countdown" and is an action/triller