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Monday 10 January 2011

Week Eight - Editing

At first the trailer lacked action to combat this problem we brought previous shots back in to the trailer to give it a fast pace to help create the thrilling atmosphere of a cat and moose chase.  We feel we have now created a more exciting trailer gripping the audience from the start instead of just towards the end. Also we included sound effects from the google, youtube converter, such as the  gunshot SFX to build another foundation of suspense. The video footage also had fraction of SFX such as the Old clock, reloading, this allows it to make it more action packed and tensed.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Week Eight - Props/Costumes

  • The main protagonist is seen as casually working classer Londoner, however he is not a typical working class city employee who wears a suit to work as he is dressed normal casual clothing for example jeans, a leather jacket and trainers. ( For safety purposes as it was snowing it would be less dangerous if our character was to wear warm clothing and stabled footwear as there is going to be a lot of running involved). Also the use of casual clothing instead of a suit can  allow the audience to relate to the character as they usually would not see any relation with a professionally dressed person. 
  • We have a smartly suited figure who portrays the background villain. The suit idea was firstly used for the main protagonist who wanted to escape however we made a major change to the whole storyline, where the suited guy became the assassin. The suit gives the character a look of menace and power. While other props he has such as a blackberry smart-phone shows a business background as this phone is widely used in business all over the world.