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Thursday 7 October 2010

Week Two : Storyboard and Synopsis

We have Just finished finalizing the Primary storyboard and synopsis. It took quiet a while because of the  discussion and disagreements within the group.

The film is based around a teenage boy who has decided it is time to move on to the straight path and make a better life for him self. Protagonist Marcus aka "Blazzer" had been caught up in the gang life around his local estate for many years, his long time girlfriend has finally convinced him to give up on this lifestyle. With Marcus gaining a apprenticeship interview  and all seeming going well in life, it seems his dream to leave the gang life is coming true. But until he can leave this life behind he must pay of a debt he owes so him and his best friend embark on series of events that will either be the start of a new life or the end of him.

The Trailer will be about 30 sec long. the beginning of the trailer will be long slow shots setting the scene, while towards the end it will be a bit more fast paced.

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