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Tuesday 14 December 2010

Thriller Conventions

  •  One main conventions of thriller films is that through the film the main protagonist has to overcome some sort of mystery and challenge. Such as in the Phono booth the character has to stay on the phone or is faced with the risk of death. As in the film Memento the character faces a fight to regain his memories to find his wifes killer.      

  • Thrillers usually have complex narrative structure, with false paths, clues and resolutions. This is  to keep the audience questioning, and to make them work out what’s going on, leaving strong enigma’s.
  • All thrillers have the protagonists against an antagonist and at some point there will be a situation which will include both characters come together, usually in a fight or action scene. The antagonist will usually always have the disadvantage. 
  • In most thrillers the antagonist takes advantage of the protagonists flaws. The flaws are usually obvious to the audience but not to the antagonist untill they are revealed to him. When the flaws are visible to the antagonist, it put him/her in the dominant position. 

Monday 22 November 2010

Week Six - Re-shooting

A lot of shots we took this week were very unsteady and not very neat. We decided to retake most of the shots but the cold weather was affecting us. Because of the severe snowy weather we had a change of character to play the role of the protagonist. Instead of using the conventional business man figure with a suit on we decided to pursue a character in a normal outdoor casual clothing, This was because the business man look was not achievable in the current weather. We did however keep the locations the same.

Week six - Location Changes

The group went out to film on Sunday 21st November, 2010 , but due to permission problems will were not allowed to film within Liverpool street station. We decided to use the outside of the station knowing it would show the business and banking setting allowing the audience to identify the main characters background

The group decided to make Spitalfield market our revised set location. Since the area has large crowds walking towards the market, we felt it would still create that busy and fast setting we wanted. 

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Week Five - Locations

For the film countdown the main location will be Liverpool street and the surrounding area . It will be perfect for the film, as it gives a perfect setting for the chosen genre and storyline. For example the use of the Station timetable will create an illusion of time running out to the audience. It gives the feel that time is running out for the business man. Also the location has a very urban and dark feel on a typical English day, Especially on a busy day it will give the feel of a fast and frantic environment. 

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Week Four - Synopsis

Countdown' pursues a business man who is desperately trying to evade a deadly sniper located in an industrialized area. The trailer releases the message of escape to freedom from an unexpected death. His life  is on the line where the only shield of protection is others around him, the alleyways and lastly the phone booth as a safe house. To escape from the predator lurking inside the mysterious sky scrapers and train stations he must face the challenges alone.

The trailer will be a 'Psychological thriller'/'Action thriller'. It will give portray a 'Cat and Mouse' chase to the audience, through the use of shots from different angles and speeds. while the use of close ups will allow the audience to see the emotions running though the character. 

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Week Four - Storyboards

These are the storyboards of the new project i am involved in the film is called "Countdown" and is an action/triller

Saturday 30 October 2010

Week Four - Major changes

There has been a change of grouping since both my group members have now left the college. I have had to join one of the other group which is kind of a disadvantage cause i have to catch up on all the work they have done.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Week Two : analyse

We were suppose to finalize the plans for the trailer but both my group members are not in for certain reasons, so I have been doing some research into similar trailers. And analysing them.

All these trailers start of with a slower pace, it is giving the audience an understanding of the characters and a general plot of the film. The calm start of the trailers and grittiness show the genre of these films are Drama based. As you progress through the trailers you see the introduction of fast paced music accompanied with fast quick shots and editing. This show the audience the obstacles they face and their development between the start of the film helping to entice the audience to see this film. Lastly all these trailers are the longer theatrical trailers so it would be considerably longer than the one we make. 

Week Two : Storyboard and Synopsis

We have Just finished finalizing the Primary storyboard and synopsis. It took quiet a while because of the  discussion and disagreements within the group.

The film is based around a teenage boy who has decided it is time to move on to the straight path and make a better life for him self. Protagonist Marcus aka "Blazzer" had been caught up in the gang life around his local estate for many years, his long time girlfriend has finally convinced him to give up on this lifestyle. With Marcus gaining a apprenticeship interview  and all seeming going well in life, it seems his dream to leave the gang life is coming true. But until he can leave this life behind he must pay of a debt he owes so him and his best friend embark on series of events that will either be the start of a new life or the end of him.

The Trailer will be about 30 sec long. the beginning of the trailer will be long slow shots setting the scene, while towards the end it will be a bit more fast paced.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Week One : Chosen Genre

The Genre we have chosen is social drama, we all agreed within the group it was the genre we were most comfortable with and could make into a great project. 

Social Drama : 

"This genre identifies problems in society- poverty, the education system, communicable diseases, the disadvantaged, antisocial rebellion, and the like- then constructs a story demonstrating a cure."

"Social change that questions morality and deals with the issues of individuals versus society"

A2 Media Studies

For this years media portfolio I will be researching, planning, producing and evaluating :

  1. A film trailer
  2. A magazine front cover or website homepage for the film
  3. A film poster 

The film trailer is the main project while the other two are the ancillary texts that will accompany it. 

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Week One

As I have arrived a week late on to the course from holiday, i have missed the group selection process. Thus my teacher has put me and the other 2 late arrivals into the same group and sent us of to quickly decided the genre and storyline of our film and start on the storyboard planning.